Saturday, April 17, 2010

April 16, Dots

computer screen with a map being edited in Adobe CS4
© 2010 Susannah Storch

Dots, dots, dots...I have been making a lot of maps for an event at work next week.

This is a shot of a map being edited on in Adobe Illustrators CS4. CS5 was just released this past week, but it feels like CS4 only came out a year ago. I was all over CS4, but haven't been reading much about CS5 except I seemed to have absorbed that Photoshop now has an HDR filter. I am not sure how I feel about HDR in photographs...I guess like any technique, it can be gimmicky and overdone, but if used correctly, produce amazing results. Still, I don't think it is for me.

To see what I am talking about (Mom), click here. (Romano, I think you may like these.)

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I really liked the photos in that link. Like you said- if digital processing is overused it would probably ruin it, but when use tastefully the results can be stunning.

    I used to work in Norlin Library circulation department when I was a student. The map reminded me of my walk home.
