Thursday, October 14, 2010

October 12, Music

a man write down guesses for which songs phish will play
© Susannah Storch 2010

I'm pretty sure that when we guessed which songs Phish would be playing for their final night in Broomfield, no one guessed Bug, Meat, or the Meatstick!


  1. Here are the final scores from my notepad (# of songs predicted out of 6 guesses): Melissa 2, Romano 2, Tony 1, Bill 1, Joe 1, Tracy 1, Mike 1, Paul 0, Susannah 0

    Scores were pretty low due to the weirdness of the setlist.

  2. I never would have guessed Meatstick in a million years!

  3. My favorite song--Meatstick.
