© 2010 Susannah Storch
So many photos to choose from today, and this one isn't even my favorite! But it does help explain what's on my mind. Some of my biggest accomplishments since moving to Colorado are hiking Mt. Sanitas, the Royal Arch, parts of the Mesa Trail ALONE. This is because I am very scared of, and yet obsessed with, mountain lions.
Today was an absolutely beautiful day here, with Colorado blue skies and sunshine. When I got home, I just had to grab my best girl and take her for a hike. Which pretty much means Rabbit Mountain. Hiking Rabbit Mountain alone was like a sick lesson in torture--once I got off the front side of the mountain, all I could picture was a cougar's face with its ears pinned back and its big teeth glistening under the sun growling at me. I only had to call three people and send two texts, but I got to the top and back without any maiming or sightings. I am so proud!
I like the idea of nature, but ever since I read an article in the Sierra Club magazine about mountain lions just one month before I moved out here, I've been scarred (and scared). I want my nature with a dose of cell reception and fellow hikers. I wish I had never read that article. The one time that I think I actually saw a mountain lion, I wasn't even afraid, which makes all of this even more silly.